“Life’s a Game made for everyone and Love is the Prize”
I don’t believe in just pushing boundaries,
I fiercely believe in breaking them.
Our own, what the world around us tells us what we can and SHOULD think is ok and those between all sentient beings that separates us. I am A Super Connector. I jump into the unknown of what’s beyond my comprehension, me fear and what defines me as a human. The horizon. I define it for myself.
I create connected consciousness and conscious connections - an energetic connector of Body - Mind - Soul - Spirit. Multidimensional human. Shift Catalyst. Athlete. Intuitive. Clairaudient, Clairsentient and Clairvoyant and Claircognizance. Seer. Innovator.
A widow at 34 after 15 days of marriage (I have found this to be the deepest tragedy and greatest gift I ever received in this life btw). In 2014, I quit the Silicon Valley (when no one was quitting anything around here), bought an RV and took off on the road around the US with no plan to allow myself to experience Personal Freedom. A year a month and 2 days, My Soul Journey was born. I am Fierce Love. I can get messy. I get Real and subscribe to Straight Talk. I believe in constant intentional and Flow Evolvement.
I use my voice not only to share my story and moments and also to inspire others to challenge the world and mindsets that evolve or confine us. We are not here to merely exist, WE ARE HERE TO CONNECT AND TO THRIVE by seeing the possibility in everything and everyone and taking action in that.
“If you can Dream it, You Can Live it.” ~ Alana
Welcome to Me
13x Record Holding Skydiver (3500+ jumps)
Since I was born I’ve always been a highly competitive athlete. In 2002, after moving back to the US from Italy, I was unsure about what life meant, where I belonged, I felt there had to be something, greater, something more. I chose to do something I would NEVER do, one of my greatest fears to “shock myself”. That day I made 2 skydives, one in my ego and mind and the next one, from my soul. It is here where I found my TRIBE. A freedom I had never experienced before. I allowed so many of my truths to come out. Every weekend, 3500+ jumps and 13 world records later, the sky will never mean the same thing to me.
A solo female journeyer of self, others and places. A lover of unapologetic expression, connection and freedom. Wandering is where I find myself, home.
Thought Leader
2016 I Founded a Startup. In Jan 2020 I relaunched Pendulum Global with my innovative and proprietary Talent Strategy Solutions for the global Start Up world and its Hiring Leaders. We are the Difference and our clients become that when we’re done with them.
In 2020 I launched my 2nd business as a Women’s FREEDOM Empowerment Coach based on my experience
sentient being advocate
My belief is that WE ARE ONE. There is no boundary where you start or where I begin and therefore, WE are Love together in it’s truest form. One of my greatest pulls is to spend time with sentient beings I do not know and share time, energy, evolvement and space with them. Evolvement happens when we get out of self into other.
Freedom Fighter
I believe in Fighting with Love and using my voice, energy, time and strength to cause the beings in this world to break down barriers and become one.
animal advocate / Rescuer / volunteer
My biggest calling is to serve and give back to the beings that cannot save themselves, who are misunderstood and used by humans. I see us as one family. The love we exchange is magical. It’s what I see the world to be and how I choose to live.
Super connector
It just so happens that one of my greatest gifts is one of my greatest loves: to connect with any and all souls around me. I throw my cards often and step into their worlds by seeing them for who they are and sharing mine. I find TRIBE all around the world and am so grateful for those who smile back and love me just as easily and quickly as I love them.
I find my true essence when I wander, when there is no plan but to trust, have faith in the journey and BE LOVE. A seer/intuit engaging with every soul and entity, I feel ONE.
My writing comes from my experiences, exploring the human desire for PURPOSE and self actualization while connecting to the world around me. I write about experiences as they relate to the conflict of truth and societal boundaries and new age where the overriding theme is questioning the norm of ones HUMAN-NESS enlightenment around the self and societal boundaries imposed on humans from birth.
Philosopher / Evolution seeker
Some of my heros: Allan Watts, Buddha, Martin Luther King, Osho and on
Unification Catalyst
The Momentist
Is a human/person who a) Intentionally seeks out to experience moments in life then b) writes about them as a topic.
I’ve always felt as if my life was meant to be lived exploring, experiencing new places and beings all while allowing myself to learn and evolve along the way. I love the magic of the unknown. I never know what I am going to experience and I am pulled to share it through my writing. Come with me and get lost in places, people, thoughts and moments. Where LOVE IS ALL.
And on…
Interviews with Alana
Jumping toward recovery: Redwood City woman works through grief while setting skydiving records
Alumna Alana Fulvio (SHP `93) Sets All-Female Skydiving Record