Turquoise (3x), Buddha, Glass and Blue/White/Yellow Rooster Feathers (medium)

Turquoise (3x), Buddha, Glass and Blue/White/Yellow Rooster Feathers (medium)
Turquoise (3x), Buddha, Glass and Blue/White/Yellow Rooster Feathers
Turquoise, the captivating sea-green stone of the ancients, represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope. Ancient peoples believed in its profound power to protect, as well as its tranquil energy and its association with enduring love.
Buddha's wisdom along with the serene smile of the face symbolizing the Buddha's peaceful and calm nature.
Blue Feather Meaning & Symbolism: Freedom, Transcendence, And Guardianship from above. Blue feathers are often associated with the concept of spiritualism and the supernatural. The blue color generally shows a sense of depth and mystery, but can also be connected to cleverness and intelligence.
This item is one of a kind and will never be recreated identically by Alana Fulvio, Wandering Puma Creations.
8 inches long
Energetically cleared & blessed
Rooster Feathers humanely sourced
*Please allow 5 – 7 business days for delivery within the U.S.
**Price includes shipping in the US
Additional Information
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